On 28th March, in a Hilarious facts presented by Media manager of Prime minister of India, he spoke 1117 times in 10 years of in 3,650 days.According to him PM spoke every third day. He also went on counted the occasions on which he has spoken.
According to him, PM spoke on dinners,in functions, in Rajyasabha, in Loksabha, in front on media, in election rallies and many many other times. Panjak Pachori also gave the reason why PM dont believed in speaking too much. He explained PM belief as "Empty vessel makes noise".
When the UPA II government faced heat during the coalscam, the Prime Minister was quoted as saying in the Rajya Sabha, "Hazaron jawabo se achchi hai khamoshi meri, na jaane kitne sawalo ki aabru rakhe. (My silence is better than a thousand answers, it keeps intact the honour of innumerable questions). "
So going by the statement, if PM speaks in a dinner, then next time he will speak will be only third day, even if he is required to make statement in Parliament. Because he speaks only once in three days. This is does not ends here, even he tweeted. Kam Bola Kaam Bola.
The PM's Media manager's statement was not that hilarious but tweet from PM was certainly more hilarious.
I hope India will get a speaking Prime-minister this time.
According to him, PM spoke on dinners,in functions, in Rajyasabha, in Loksabha, in front on media, in election rallies and many many other times. Panjak Pachori also gave the reason why PM dont believed in speaking too much. He explained PM belief as "Empty vessel makes noise".
When the UPA II government faced heat during the coalscam, the Prime Minister was quoted as saying in the Rajya Sabha, "Hazaron jawabo se achchi hai khamoshi meri, na jaane kitne sawalo ki aabru rakhe. (My silence is better than a thousand answers, it keeps intact the honour of innumerable questions). "
So going by the statement, if PM speaks in a dinner, then next time he will speak will be only third day, even if he is required to make statement in Parliament. Because he speaks only once in three days. This is does not ends here, even he tweeted. Kam Bola Kaam Bola.
The PM's Media manager's statement was not that hilarious but tweet from PM was certainly more hilarious.
I hope India will get a speaking Prime-minister this time.