Python abs()
returns absolute value of a number |
Python all()
returns true when all elements in iterable is true |
Python any()
Checks if any Element of an Iterable is True |
Python ascii()
Returns String Containing Printable Representation |
Python bin()
converts integer to binary string |
Python bool()
Coverts a Value to Boolean |
Python bytearray()
returns array of given byte size |
Python bytes()
returns immutable bytes object |
Python callable()
Checks if the Object is Callable |
Python chr()
Returns a Character (a string) from an Integer |
Python classmethod()
returns class method for given function |
Python compile()
Returns a Python code object |
Python complex()
Creates a Complex Number |
Python delattr()
Deletes Attribute From the Object |
Python dict()
Creates a Dictionary |
Python dir()
Tries to Return Attributes of Object |
Python divmod()
Returns a Tuple of Quotient and Remainder |
Python enumerate()
Returns an Enumerate Object |
Python eval()
Runs Python Code Within Program |
Python exec()
Executes Dynamically Created Program |
Python filter()
constructs iterator from elements which are true |
Python float()
returns floating point number from number, string |
Python format()
returns formatted representation of a value |
Python frozenset()
returns immutable frozenset object |
Python getattr()
returns value of named attribute of an object |
Python globals()
returns dictionary of current global symbol table |
Python hasattr()
returns whether object has named attribute |
Python hash()
returns hash value of an object |
Python help()
Invokes the built-in Help System |
Python hex()
Converts to Integer to Hexadecimal |
Python id()
Returns Identify of an Object |
Python input()
reads and returns a line of string |
Python int()
returns integer from a number or string |
Python isinstance()
Checks if a Object is an Instance of Class |
Python issubclass()
Checks if a Object is Subclass of a Class |
Python iter()
returns iterator for an object |
Python len()
Returns Length of an Object |
Python list() Function
creates list in Python |
Python locals()
returns dictionary of current local symbol table |
Python map()
Applies Function and Returns a List |
Python max()
returns largest element |
Python memoryview()
returns memory view of an argument |
Python min()
returns smallest element |
Python next()
Retrieves Next Element from Iterator |
Python object()
Creates a Featureless Object |
Python oct()
converts integer to octal |
Python open()
Returns a File object |
Python ord()
returns Unicode code point for Unicode character |
Python pow()
returns x to the power of y |
Python print()
Prints the Given Object |
Python property()
returns a property attribute |
Python range()
return sequence of integers between start and stop |
Python repr()
returns printable representation of an object |
Python reversed()
returns reversed iterator of a sequence |
Python round()
rounds a floating point number to ndigits places. |
Python set()
returns a Python set |
Python setattr()
sets value of an attribute of object |
Python slice()
creates a slice object specified by range() |
Python sorted()
returns sorted list from a given iterable |
Python staticmethod()
creates static method from a function |
Python str()
returns informal representation of an object |
Python sum()
Add items of an Iterable |
Python super()
Allow you to Refer Parent Class by super |
Python tuple() Function
Creates a Tuple |
Python type()
Returns Type of an Object |
Python vars()
Returns __dict__ attribute of a class |
Python zip()
Returns an Iterator of Tuples |
Python __import__()
Advanced Function Called by import |