Thursday, April 3, 2014

Windows 8.1 Update brings back Start Menu

Its official now, after a lots of roar by windows users for "Start Menu" , 8.1 brings back Start Menu. When Microsoft removed the Start menu, quite a few of its users were upset, and this move did indeed make Windows 8.1 harder to use for many. With re-addition Start menu  also got updates. Now Start Menu carries traditional UI combined with live tiles and other Metro-influenced UI elements.

There are some other notable features in Windows 8.1 Update. Here is a list:

  • For traditional users, like Windows 7, 8.1 is bootable in desktop mode unlike tiles view in previous version.
  • For traditional users, Right click on a tile of an application in Modern UI mode will open a context menu.
  • For traditional users, 8.1 re-powers Task bars.
  • Allows minimize re-accessible Windows apps like facebook, chat apps from Task bars  
  • Search and shutdown buttons are now always visible in the top right corner of the screen.

Video release by Windows on April 2, 2014

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