log can found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Directory Server\instances\default\log
[11:31:53] ERROR [org.apache.directory.server.Service] - Cannot start the server : reuseAddress can't be set while the acceptor is bound.
[11:33:38] ERROR [org.apache.directory.daemon.Bootstrapper] - Failed on null.init(InstallationLayout, String[])
at org.apache.directory.server.core.partition.impl.btree.jdbm.JdbmStore.getEntryId(JdbmStore.java:946)
at org.apache.directory.server.core.partition.impl.btree.jdbm.JdbmStore.getEntryId(JdbmStore.java:70)
at org.apache.directory.server.xdbm.search.impl.DefaultSearchEngine.cursor(DefaultSearchEngine.java:103)
at org.apache.directory.server.core.partition.impl.btree.BTreePartition.search(BTreePartition.java:295)
at org.apache.directory.server.core.partition.DefaultPartitionNexus.search(DefaultPartitionNexus.java:876)
the file C:\Program Files\Apache Directory
Server\instances\default\conf\server.xml was corrupted
1) Uninstall Apache DS.
2) Delete folder from C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Directory Server
3) Restart machine.
4) Install and configure again.
Thanks Ashish, It worked for me . Before this I tried to unistall and install 12 times but didnt work. .
Thanks Ashish. This works for me too. Great!
This worked for me as well. My initial problem was I Pointed to a 64 bit JRE and it wouldn't start. Then uninstalling and installing was not working until going to the file system and removing the Program Files(x86)\ApacheDS directory manually and then reinstalling.
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